What We Do

Responsibility. Empathy. Respect. Self-Esteem.

In 2015, the Fino Kits organization expanded and created a new division of TIME2ACT Workshops…

Our Mission

To inspire people who feel scared, with little ambition, confidence or low self-esteem, to get motivated and trust themselves. They will learn strategies to face personal obstacles in order to manage life’s daily challenge. TIME2ACT students will have the “know-how” to develop their Personality, Body Language, and Creativity. With hope and belief in themselves, they can pursue their dreams for a better tomorrow.


With a written script, students will act together to dramatize the story, improve their communication and leadership skills with inspired motivation to help them succeed in the real world. Students can attend a weekend intensive of three days or join three weekly sessions that deliver three different phases of the program.

“Dare to believe…and you will touch the world!”

— Marie Melendez, Founder

Our Vision

To enable people in building a better future by empowering students with a progressive mindset to expand their social and economic status with improved values for a better quality of life.

3 Phases:

Phase I. Personality Discovery

At the beginning, we hand out Fino Kits (several hygiene items) to marginalized families as an invitation to the workshops. From the start, they are introduced to a more advanced “mindset” with the Personality Profile workshop. This course was created so that each individual can recognize and understand the different types of personalities along with recognizing, managing, reinforcing, and controlling their own universe. A generational poverty mentality can be transformed through education, self-esteem enhancement and a better value system.

Phase II. Body Language

Additionally, the second part of the workshop introduces them to Body Language. Not only will they be able to interpret different automatic body expressions, but they will also interpret some common facial expressions. Thereby, having the advantage to exercise self-control, avoid bad tempers and respectfully handle confrontations. This allows students to join the workforce as responsible citizens, enabling them to impact society as independent, competitive professionals.

Phase III. Theatre

As this point, the Theatre workshop is being systematically developed. Advancing, it will stimulate the students’ imagination, improve reading speed and real world comprehension, diction and memory skills. Working together, exercising personal commitment, they can discover and process different problem characteristics hidden in the ego. The thinking process is enriched by new ideas, new direction, and positive attitudes. As in the words of Shakespeare, “To thine own self be true.”


In the evolution of a new beginning for the organization, students, and all participants, the ensemble will perform for a live audience composed of friends, family members, entertainment industry producers, talent agents, and professionals that can potentially open new doors for the right candidates. The best performers will be evaluated for possible career opportunities in television, film, and modeling.

This effort and new experience will not only fortify student focus, but showcase their speaking ability, temperament, personality and mannerism, with the environment to meet and interact with stage and production teams and industry decision makers.


Each student is to have a new experience. They will focus more, expand their abilities, improve their memory, and practice better self-control that results to leading successful lives when facing difficult situations.